How to Fix the " schema deprecated" Error in the Google Search Console

How to Fix the " schema deprecated" Error in the Google Search Console

How to Fix the " schema deprecated" Error in Google Search Console
Fix the " schema deprecated" Error in the Google Search Console


In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO and website optimization, staying on top of errors and warnings is crucial. One such error that website owners and SEO professionals might encounter is the " schema deprecated" error in Google Search Console. This error can impact site performance and search visibility. In this article, I am going to tell you the details about this error and understand why it occurs. And most importantly, how to fix it effectively.

Understanding the " schema deprecated" Error

What is the " schema"?

Before we dive into the error itself, let's briefly understand what the " schema" is. Schema markup is a structured data vocabulary used by search engines to better understand and display content on websites. It helps search engines interpret the context of the content, leading to more informative and rich search results.

The Deprecation Dilemma

The " schema deprecated" error message shows that the schema markup used in your website's data structure, data is based on a deprecated schema vocabulary on Like other search engines, Google has shifted its focus to using markup, which provides a richer and more modern vocabulary of structured data.

Why Does the Error Occur?

Google's Embrace of

Google's decision to reject the schema in favor of stems from the need for a consistent and standardized schema vocabulary. is a collaborative project of major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex. This integration ensures a consistent approach to structured data and makes it easier for search engines to correctly interpret and display your content.

Outdated Practices

The " schema deprecated" error often arises when websites continue to use outdated markup practices. If your website's structured data still relies on schema, Google might flag it as an issue, as it no longer aligns with the current best practices.

Fixing the Error

Assessment and Identification

The first step in addressing the error is to identify the affected pages. Google Search Console provides a list of pages with the " schema deprecated" error. This will give you a clear starting point for your remediation work.

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How to Fix the " schema deprecated" Error in Google Search Console
Fix the " schema deprecated" Error in the Google Search Console

Transition to Markup

To resolve the error, you need to transition your website's structured data from schema to markup. This involves updating the HTML code on your pages to reflect the new schema while ensuring that the structured data accurately represents the content.

Testing and Validation

After implementing the schema markup changes, it's crucial to use Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your changes. This tool helps you identify any syntax errors or discrepancies in the schema markup, ensuring that your structured data is error-free and well-understood by search engines.

Best Practices to Avoid Future Errors

Stay Updated

The world of SEO and structured data is dynamic. To prevent similar errors in the future, make it a practice to stay updated with the latest changes and recommendations from search engines.

Regular Audits

Perform regular audits of your website's structured data to identify and address any issues promptly. Proactive monitoring can prevent errors from affecting your site's performance.


In conclusion, the " schema deprecated" error can impact your website's search visibility and user experience. By understanding the error, what it means, and the recommended steps to fix it, you can ensure that the structured data on your site remains accurate, up-to-date, and consistent with best practices. The best in current SEO.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is the significance of schema markup for SEO?

Schema markup enhances the way search engines understand and display your content, leading to more informative search results and potentially higher click-through rates.

Q2: Is the " schema deprecated" error exclusive to Google Search Console? While Google Search Console is a prominent tool for detecting this error, it's important to note that other search engines also prefer markup.

Q3: Can I use both schema and markup simultaneously? It's recommended to transition completely to markup to ensure consistency and compatibility with modern search engine practices.

Q4: How frequently should I audit my website's structured data? Performing quarterly audits is a good practice to catch and rectify any structured data issues in a timely manner.

Q5: Where can I learn more about markup? You can visit the official website to access comprehensive documentation and examples of structured data markup.


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