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How To Create another Analytics Tracking Code With Video in Urdu and Hindi

How To Create another Analytics Tracking Code With Video in Urdu and Hindi
Another Anaylatics Code
Use Google Analytics follow these instructions to collect data from websites.

To complete this process, you must have access to your website source code, be relatively comfortable with HTML (or have a developer that can help you), and if you have already a Google Analytics account and property set up. Ha mobile app, use one of the Google Analytics SDKs. Forow to set up a property.

If you want to collect data from a mobile apps, use the Google Analytics SDKs. For other devices, use Measurement Protocol from Google Anaylatic.

To set up Google Analytics Tracking Code or the web tracking code:


How To Create another Analytics Tracking Code With Video in Urdu and Hindi
Another Anaylatics Code

Find Another tracking code and snippet for your property.

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Sign in to your Google Analytics account, with google account and click Admin Tab in the top menu bar. Account and Property columns Tab, select the property you’re working with. Click Tracking Info / Tracking Code.Image where you find your tracking code in your Google Analytics account.Click to expand on this image and see where these options appear in the interface.Find your tracking code snippet. It's in JavaScript Code. Everything in the box is your tracking javascript code .

It starts with <script> and ends with </script>.
The tracking code contains a unique ID that corresponds to each Google Analytics property. Don’t mix up your tracking code snippets from different properties, and do not add same tracking code in multiple domains. See my video where the tracking code snippet is in the interface.
Copy the snippet.
Don’t edit your snippet. Just copy your Code. You must be paste it into a text document if you’re worried about accidentally losing or changing the snippet from your clipboard.
Paste your snippet (unaltered, in it’s entirety) into every web page you want to track. Paste it before the closing </head> tag.
If you are used dynamically generate pages templates for your site (like if you use PHP, ASP, or a similar technology), you can paste the tracking code snippet into its own file, then include it in your page header.
Check your set up.
Make sure that your tracking Code installed in your website and matches the code with shown in the view, and see more ways you can verify your set up.
Next Steps

Set up and customize reporting views

A view is the lens through which you see your data. This is the part of a Google Analytics account that has reports and tools you can use to analyze data.

More learn about views, and how to create views, and why should create a copy view of your original views.

Add more tracking features Google Analytics Tracking Code

After you finish your set up, you can customize your tracking code to collect data that isn't automatically tracked by Google Analytics. It's recommend to setting up Event tracking, In the Video how to use users interact with content's videos likes,outbound links, downloads, buttons, and other interactive Content's and elements. If you sell anything online, we recommend to you set up Ecommerce tracking Code to integrate product and sales data with the other data you collect using Google Analytics.

Set up cross domain tracking (if necessary)

How To Create another Analytics Tracking Code With Video in Urdu and Hindi
Another Anaylatics Code

If you have multiple top-level domains and you want to see data from them in one Google Analytics property, It's require and you need to set up cross domain java script tracking code. For example, if you have one domain like and second domain like, and you want to combine data from both domains into the same Google Analytics reports,  you must be need to set up cross new domain tracking java script code. Learn about more cross/another domain tracking, its refer to our Developer for Guide on cross/another domain tracking for analytics.js (javascript Code). When you set up cross/another domain/blog tracking, It's include the additional/extra domains in the referral exclusions list to avoid self-referrals in your reports.

Advanced Google Analytics Tracking Code options

How To Create another Analytics Tracking Code With Video in Urdu and Hindi
Another Anaylatics Code

Developers can also configure advanced collection options, including multiple overriding values sent as a pageview, a parameter value's setting to across persist multiple send commands, executing code after only the analytics.js(javascript) library loaded, and working with multiple (javascript) tracking objects.

For information on all of the advanced configuration options, I recmonded to visit Google Developer Guide on more Advanced Configurations for analytics.js.

If you're using Classic Analytics, refer to the Google Developer Guide for guide .js(java script code) when setting up and more advanced configurations, including more cross-domain tracking code.

The changes you need to make to your web pages depend on which tracking code you’re using. See if you have Classic Analytics (ga.js) or Universal Analytics (analytics.js).

Video Tutorial Create Google Analytics Tracking Code in Urdu and Hindi

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My Name is Naeem Shafiq. I am a Blogger, YouTuber, and Graphic Designer, I Am an AutoCAD Expert, and My Experience is 5 Years of AutoCAD.